Saturday, January 1, 2011

State of the Game, One Month into Cataclysm

The game has changed, some say for the better, some say for the worse.

I am one of those middle of the road/ Glass half full kind of guys. There are many changes that are absolutly amazing.

The Good -

1) Current PVP Balance - Currently Pretty good, just a few things that are very crazy out of wack. Frost mages and Shadow Priests are currently way up there on the scale of needs some work, followed by Warlocks.

2) World Enviroment Changes - All in all the world changes are fantastic, they streamlined the way you progress through the zones and made it a lot more fluid. Also with most of the larger zone such as the barrens they have now been split into different "sections" to facilitate different levels of content. No more running from Crossroads to the southern Barrens for quests.

3) Heroic Dungeon Difficulty - No more standing in fire, not paying attention to the boss, no more tunnel vision healers, No more sitting in one spot for 10 minutes to kill a boss. You now have to PAY ATTENTION!!! I know this is a hard concept for some people to grasp, if you want a wack a mole game go play your WII and get out of our Warcraft.

The Bad -

1)Tol Barad - What a joke of a battleground/World PVP Objective. Currently it is so broken that we have basically setup a Win Trading situation with the Alliance on our Server.

180 Honor for a Defensive Win
1800 Honor for a Offensive Win

It comes out to be more beneficial for everyone to just swap back and forth for more honor for all.

2) Guild Achievements - This was one of the things I had been looking forward to the most, leveling the guild through guild achievements. This was pulled a week into Cata because people were leveling guilds too fast using achievements. Atleast there are still some minor perks to learn through the system.

I'm at work currently on New Year's Day. YAY........ Yeah Right. Why did I sign up for this on a SATURDAY!!! I plead temporary insanity due to quitting smoking recently.

Anyway, that's all for now.